Lūdī Circēnsēs by Laura Joyner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/28/ludi-circenses/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Imagines in lingua Latina by Fabianus

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/28/imagines-in-lingua-latina/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Villa Roma vs Casa Americana by Jerry Proffitt

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/27/villa-roma-vs-casa-americana/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Declensions by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/27/declensions/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

De rerum natura : pars i : Orbis Terrarum by Anthony Gibbins

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/26/de-rerum-natura-pars-i-orbis-terrarum/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Plurals: cuniculus te salutat by Cloelia and Gallia

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/19/plurals-cunicula-salutat/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Fabula : Pars I : Celtus by TuTubusLatinus

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/25/fabula-pars-i-celtus/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

ieiuni sumus! by Helena and Gemina

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/23/ieiuni-sumus/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Reading II: quoque, sunt, magna by Jerry Proffitt

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/22/reading-ii-quoque-sunt-magna/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Reading: pecunia, laudo, amo, casa by Jerry Proffitt

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/22/reading-pecunia-laudo-amo-casa/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Opificum - About Workmen by Evan Millner


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/21/opificum/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/21/opificum-about-workmen/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Reading III: Patria Mea, Patria Tua

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/20/reading-iii/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Reading II: Eurōpa, America by Jerry Proffitt

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/20/reading-ii/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Īnsulae by Jerry Proffitt

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/19/insulae/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

PATRIA TUA by Jerry Proffitt

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/19/patria-tua/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Reading: Agricola, Fīlia, Casa by Jerry Proffitt

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/19/reading-2/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Morbidorum - Evan Millner

** warning - has disturbing medical pictures **


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/19/morbidorum-caveat-lector/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/19/morbidorum-warning-has-disturbing-medical-pictures/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Progress Report: Friday, June 19

Wow! We now have over 170 readers - 174 readers, to be exact - which have been reviewed and recommended for your use in the Latin area. You can browse the Latin area at Tar Heel Reader, or you can quickly scan the long list of readers here:

Another way to browse through the readers, is to click here to See a Random Tar Heel Latin Reader.

Aesop's Fables. As the collection of Tar Heel Latin readers continues to grow, one of the big problems we face is organizing the materials to help people find what they are looking for. I've been organizing my materials on a separate webpage - Tar Heel Reader: Libelli Aesopi - and I've pasted in the current contents of that page below - there are 10 Aesop's fables now, in various forms, with vocabulary lists and links to additional materials online.

Create your own webpage listing! For any author who would like to be organizing their contributions on a webpage, I would be glad to make you a contributing author to this blog, so that you could create a page here with information about your Tar Heel readers - you could create a page where you list and organize your readers, and you could also annotate your individual reader pages at the blog with additional materials such as vocabulary lists, etc. So, if you are a Tar Heel author who is interested in creating your own reference pages here at the blog, please let me know and I'll be glad to make you a contributing author to this blog! :-)

Libelli Aesopi - Progress Report, June 19

Here are the Aesop's fables I've added to the Tar Heel Reader site so far - plus you might also be interested in my libelli based on Latin proverbs.


For each of these fables, you will find a Latin libellus, a bilingual Latin-English libellus, plus a "Repetite!" Latin practice reader. Plus, you will find a vocabulary list for each of the fables, along with links to additional online resources.

Fabula 1. Canis et Lupus.
Fabula 2. Haedus et Lupus
Fabula 3. Feles et Venus
Fabula 4. Cervus et Cornus Eius
Fabula 5. Gallus et Gemma
Fabula 6. Lupus et Grus
Fabula 7. Formica et Cicada
Fabula 8. Cornix et Urna
Fabula 9. Rusticus et Hercules
Fabula 10. Taurus et Mus


Elegiac couplets:
Fabula 4. Cervus et Cornus Eius
Fabula 7. Formica et Cicada
Fabula 10. Taurus et Mus

Iambic meters:
Fabula 5. Gallus et Gemma
Fabula 7. Formica et Cicada

Goliardic (rhymed):
Fabula 4. Cervus et Cornus Eius

Plurals: Animalia varia by Annae discipulae


Feles: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/19/plurals-feles/

Porcae: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/19/plurals-porcae/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Taurus et Mus: The Bull and The Mouse by lauragibbs


Find ALL VERSIONS with this link:


Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Rusticus et Hercules: The Farmer and Hercules by lauragibbs


Find ALL VERSIONS with this link:


Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

ESSE - TO BE by Evan Millner


1: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/16/esse-to-be/
2: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/17/rudimenta-grammaticae-esse-2/
3: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/17/rudimenta-grammaticae-esse-3/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Cogito ergo Sum by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/15/cogito-ergo-sum/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Volo, vis, vult II (bibere) by faber scholasticus

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/12/volo-vis-vult-ii-bibere/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Progress Report: Friday, June 12

Wow! We now have over 150 readers - 155 readers, to be exact - which have been reviewed and recommended for your use in the Latin area. You can browse the Latin area at Tar Heel Reader, or you can quickly scan the long list of readers here:

Another way to browse through the readers, is to click here to See a Random Tar Heel Latin Reader.

Types of readers. In addition to browsing the whole collection, you can also view specific types of readers, as proverb readers, or poetry, or readers that are marked with with macrons or with accents for word stress. For more types of readers, visit the Delicious links library, using "related tags" on the right to see specific types of readers, or readers written by a specific author. Evan is setting the pace at 60 readers, and Laura has done over 50.

Build your own links library! If you want to start building your own Delicious library, it's easy - just create a Delicious account at Delicious.com, and then click on "Save" next to any of the Delicious links in the main library - that will save them to your own Delicious library, where you can add additional tags to sort and organize the readers for your own purposes.

Leave feedback at the blog. We also have a blog: Libelli Latini Latin Readers. You can find individual posts for each Tar Heel reader at the blog (that's a good way to see which readers are available in multiple formats), and you can use the search engine in the upper left-hand corner of the blog to look for titles or topics of interest.

Email notifications of new readers. If you want to find out about new readers as they are reviewed and approved, you can sign up for an email subscription to this blog. Each day that new readers are reviewed and approved, you will receive an email with links to those readers and information about them.

GRATIAS! Thanks to all the authors who have been contributing readers to the project. I hope this summer will be a great occasion for all kinds of Latin composition. If you have questions or comments, please let me know!

Cornix et Urna: The Crow and The Pot by lauragibbs


Find ALL VERSIONS with this link:


Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Volo, vis, vult by faber scholasticus

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/11/volo-vis-vult/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

In Terra Sunt - Grammatica by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/10/in-terra-sunt-grammatica/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Tigris, Leo et Ovis by LIVIA, DIDIA, DECIA

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/09/tigris-leo-et-ovis/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

X-ending One Syllable by lindadelos

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/09/x-ending-one-syllable/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

One Syllable ABC by lindadelos

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/08/one-syllable-abc/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Ubi tu vis habitare? by faber scholasticus

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/08/ubi-tu-vis-habitare/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

HERI, HODIE, CRAS by annapmagistra

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/08/heri-hodie-cras/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Ecce Corpus by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/08/ecce-corpus/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Ecce Regina by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/08/ecce-regina/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Qvid hoc est? by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/08/qvid-hoc-est/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Plantarum - Of Plants by Evan Millner


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/07/plantarum/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/07/plantarum-of-plants/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Vulpes et Vermes - A Fox and A Worm by Evan Millner


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/07/vulpes-et-vermes/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/07/vulpes-et-vermes-a-fox-and-a-worm/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Formica et Cicada: The Ant and The Grasshopper by lauragibbs


Find ALL VERSIONS with this link:


Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Regina Purpurea by lindadelos

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/07/regina-purpurea/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Celestium Actiones - The Sky by Evan Millner


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/06/celestium-actiones/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/06/celestium-actiones-the-sky/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Elementorum by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/06/elementorum-about-the-elements/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Proverbia de Piscibus: Proverbs about Fish by lauragibbs


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/06/proverbia-de-piscibus/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/06/proverbia-de-piscibus-proverbs-about-fish/

Repetite! http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/06/proverbia-de-piscibus-repetite/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

De Tellure by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/06/de-telluris/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Natura by DDS Sixth Grade

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/06/natura/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Comparativa et Denominativa by Evan Millner


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/06/comparativa-et-denominativa/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/06/comparativa-comparisons/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Sylva densa est. A wood is thick. by Evan Millner


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/05/sylva-densa-est/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/05/sylva-densa-est-a-wood-is-thick/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Progress Report: Friday, June 5

Wow! We now have over 100 readers - 110 readers, to be exact - which have been reviewed for your use in the Latin area. You can browse the Latin area at Tar Heel Reader, or you can quickly scan the long list of readers here:

Among these you will find readers by 14 different authors - with Evan Millner leading the way at 43 readers. You will find poetry readers, proverb readers, and fable readers - along with all kinds of other content. You can find readers in different formats, such as bilingual readers, or "Repetite!" readers to encourage students to read out loud and get actively engaged. You can find readers with macrons, and also readers with accent marks to help in confident pronunciation.

To browse through the readers, you can click here to See a Random Tar Heel Latin Reader.

We also have a blog: Libelli Latini Latin Readers. You can find individual posts for each Tar Heel reader at the blog (that's a good way to see which readers are available in multiple formats), and you can use the search engine in the upper left-hand corner of the blog to look for titles or topics of interest.

You can also find tips at the blog for creating Tar Heel Readers, such as how to easily create bilingual versions of your readers, how to involve your students in creating readers, and more.

If you want to find out about new readers as they are reviewed and approved, you can sign up for an email subscription to this blog. Each day that new readers are reviewed and approved, you will receive an email with links to those readers and information about them.

If you have questions, please leave comments at the blog - your input and feedback will be very valuable as we keep developing this project and exploring new directions. If anyone would like to contribute in the authoring of this blog, writing about your experiences in using Tar Heel Reader, that would be great! Just contact me (laurakgibbs@gmail.com) for an invitation to join the blog as an author.

Thanks to all the authors who have been contributing readers to the project. I hope this summer will be a great occasion for all kinds of Latin composition. If you have questions or comments, please let me know!

Proverbia de Equo: Proverbs about the Horse by lauragibbs


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/05/proverbia-de-equo/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/05/proverbia-de-equo-proverbs-about-the-horse/

Repetite! http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/05/proverbia-de-equo-repetite/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Tips for Helping Students to Create Readers

Tar Heel Reader provides a great opportunity for your students to share their Latin compositions with a wider audience. If your students can write Latin at a level that matches their own reading comprehension, there are probably many other students out there who would benefit from this reading material, too.

If you are going to have your students compose and publish their own Tar Heel Readers, here is the essential ingredient: You MUST help your students to correct their Latin. This is extremely important. For the process to be a good learning experience for the students, they need feedback in revising their Latin compositions. For the final result to be useful to others, it needs to be written in grammatically correct Latin.

If your students label their unrevised work with the "Latin" tag and publish it, the odds are very high that it will end up in the "quasilatin" area. Readers with multiple errors are removed from the Latin area and put into "quasilatin." Eventually, readers in the "quasilatin" area will need to be deleted, since they serve no educational purpose of any kind.

In addition, even if your students publish work that has just a few errors in it, they will not benefit from having their errors corrected by the Tar Heel reviewers. So, to make sure that your students learn from the mistakes they make in their Latin, you need to have the students participate in a revision process BEFORE their readers are published in the Latin area at Tar Heel.

There are several ways you can assist your students in correcting their Latin:

Option 1: Compose in class as a group. Composing a Tar Heel Reader during class as a group is a great option. You, the teacher, can create a draft of a reader, priming it with pictures before class begins. Then, if you have a computer projector in class, you can then project the reader - use the Preview option available at the bottom of the editing screen - so that students can see the pictures and can compose the text together, with your feedback and input. It's easy to rearrange the pictures as you type in the text, and then delete any pictures you end up not using. You can then have the reader ready to publish by the end of class!

Option 2: Help students compose the text BEFORE they create the reader. Alternatively, you could work with students on their Latin composition before they create their reader. Then, when the text is in good shape and you have signed off on it, you can let the students type in the text and choose the pictures to illustrate it. To do this, each student will need their own Tar Heel Reader account.

Please use caution when deciding to give students
their own Tar Heel Reader account!

In particular, take this warning into account:
Please be aware that there is no special image filtering: the tool was designed to be used by teachers, not by students, especially not by young students. Even innocuous searches will sometimes return risque images of scantily clad human beings.

Option 3: Use your name as a tag. If you decide to have the students compose at Tar Heel Reader, without helping them with the Latin beforehand, you should not let them publish their work directly to the Latin area. Instead, you can have your students publish their readers for you to review online by having them use YOUR NAME as a tag - instead of the "Latin" tag. That way, you can review your students' work online but if won't show up in the Latin area yet. To find the readers tagged with your name, just change where it says "sampleteachername" to the name you have your students use to tag their readers for your inspection:

Looking at their readers online, you can give them written feedback so that they can revise their work until it is correct. When the Latin is in good shape, the student can remove your name from the tags and add the "Latin" tag to their reader so that it will show up in the Latin area.

Other options...? If you have other ideas for how to use Tar Heel Reader to promote and share students compositions, please add your comments below!

Bilingual Readers

One style of doing a Reader is bilingual - either Latin-English (two duplicate pages), or Latin-English-Latin (three duplicate pages). After you've created your Latin reader, it just takes a few minutes to create a bilingual version! You can see some examples bilingual readers by searching the Tar Heel Reader site for the tags "latin" and "bilingual" - here are the bilingual that people have contributed so far:

NOTE: You can also create other versions of readers written by other authors, not just your own. So if you want to create a bilingual version of a reader currently only in Latin that someone else has written, you can do that. You can also create new versions with macrons (if an existing version does not have macrons and you want to add them), and so on - ad infinitum.

Here's how to create a new version of an existing reader:

1. Select reader to begin. Click on the reader you want to work with. Then, click on the Setup icon in the upper left-hand corner of the page.

2. Create new version. Then, scroll down the page to the "Translating and Rewriting" section, and click on the link to Create a new version of this book, as shown below.

3. Give your new reader a title. Modify the existing title of the reader so that people will recognize that yours is a bilingual style reader.

4. Duplicate or triplicate your pages. You'll now see an editing screen which will allow you to create multiple versions of the pages. To duplicate a page, just hold down the CONTROL key while you drag-and-drop the page. If you want to create three copies of each page, repeat the process twice for each page.

5. Insert English translation. Now you can go back through your reader and type over the Latin to create an English version of each page.

6. Modify tags. Check on the tags, and add "bilingual" as a tag (the reader is probably already tagged as "latin").

That's it! You can preview your book to make sure it all looks good to you - and then publish!

If you have other ideas about how to create bilingual readers, share your comments below!

Repetite! Readers

One style of doing a Reader is Repetite! style, which is to say that you take each page (or just selected pages) of your Reader and insert duplicate pages, with the image but without the text, so that students reading along can have a chance to speak out loud in Latin, involving them more actively in the reading of the book.

You can see some examples of Repetite! readers by searching the Tar Heel Reader site for the tags "latin" and "repetite" - here are the Repetite! readers that people have contributed so far:


It's easy to create a Repetite! version of a reader that already exists. Here's how:

1. Select reader to begin. Click on the reader you want to work with. Then, click on the Setup icon in the upper left-hand corner of the page.
2. Create new version. Then, scroll down the page to the "Translating and Rewriting" section, and click on the link to Create a new version of this book, as shown below.

3. Give your new reader a title. Modify the existing title of the reader so that people will recognize that yours is a Repetite! reader.

4. Triplicate your pages. You'll now see an editing screen which will allow you to create multiple versions of the pages. To duplicate a page, just hold down the CONTROL key while you drag-and-drop the page. You can quickly make two more copies of each page.

5. Create blanks. Then, go back through the middle page of each set of three pages, and just delete the text. If you want, you can also include some blanks as clues to let readers know just how many words they might want to try to say. You can also choose to include the punctuation, or not - based on what you think best for your readers!

6. Modify tags. Check on the tags, and add "repetite" as a tag (the reader is probably already tagged as "latin").

That's it! You can preview your book to make sure it all looks good to you - and then publish!

If you have other ideas about how to create Repetite! readers, share your comments below!

Scisne semel qvina qvot essent? by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/04/scisne-semel-qvina-qvot-essent/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Scisne semel sena qvot essent? by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/04/scisne-semel-sena-qvot-essent/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Scisne semel qvaterna qvot essent? by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/04/scisne-semel-qvaterna-qvot-essent/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Proverbia de Vulpe: Proverbs about the Fox by lauragibbs


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/03/proverbia-de-vulpe/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/04/proverbia-de-vulpe-proverbs-about-the-fox/

Repetite: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/04/proverbia-de-vulpe-repetite/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Proverbia de Aquila: Proverbs about the Eagle by lauragibbs


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/03/proverbia-de-aquila/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/03/proverbia-de-aquila-proverbs-about-the-eagle/

Repetite: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/04/proverbia-de-aquila-repetite/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

De Triangulis by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/03/de-triangulis/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Signorum Explicatio by Evan Millner

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/03/signorum-explicatio-english-and-latin/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Lupus et Grus by lauragibbs


Find ALL VERSIONS with this link:


Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Qvalitates English & Latin by Evan Millner


Latin: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/02/qvalitates-latine/

Latin and English: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/02/qvalitates/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Datives II by Gradus Sextus I

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/02/datives-ii/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Hannibal by quin et discipulus

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/02/hannibal/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

CHAPTER 10 NOUNS!! by mollyelizabeth

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/02/chapter-10-nouns/

Status: reviewed

Queries: Chapter 10 in what textbook...?

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

The Trojan War by perseus2

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/02/the-trojan-war/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Latin Phrases by Flavia

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/02/latin-phrases/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Gallus et Gemma: The Rooster and The Jewel by lauragibbs


Find ALL VERSIONS with this link:


Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Hic Veteranorum dies by ravethegreat

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/06/01/hic-veteranorum-dies/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Catullus 43 by jfleming

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/05/31/catullus-43/

Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Cervus et Cornua Eius by lauragibbs


Find ALL VERSIONS with this link:


Status: reviewed

Queries: none

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.

Sum ego… by Farber

Link: http://tarheelreader.org/2009/05/31/sum-ego/

Status: reviewed (some corrections made to the grammar of the relative clauses: sum ego animal quod...)

Queries: I do not have contact information for this author; if you want me to query you about any corrections made to your reader(s), please let me know who you are!

Comments: Please add your comments below! In particular, please indicate any typographical or other errors you notice that need to be corrected.